Word From God Pages 1  2

 Psalm 119:11  
Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.

On This Page TITLES:  


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Be not dismayed by the disasters of life, for they are the rocks by which you pass through the stormy waters. See those that rise above the billows and waves, were they not high and treacherous would you ever learn endurance and confidence; for the places are where victories are made and growth occurs.
Be mindful of my word for it is the solid rock, truth, and there is no other foundation that can or will stand.
Go - become my people - soldiers of Christ. Let victory in Jesus be your war cry, your anthem, for victory is yours, but ONLY in Jesus.
Be ye not deceived, my ways can only be perfected through obedience. Hold fast - be mindful and watchful. Keep your spiritual eyes and ears open, for the enemy comes: but remember although he comes, I am already and ever there with you. He shall not prevail against My kingdom. You are part of that kingdom. Fortify yourself, hold fast, and we shall triumph together.
I shall NEVER leave your, nor forsake you. You are mine, I shall not allow nor permit the enemy to snatch you away, if you give me your will, for your will is my workshop.


Time is your enemy. Many discouragements come because you look for it to be
accomplished in your time frame. My concept of time is judged by timeless eternity, not
by man's years. How many Christians have bowed to the enemy, through frustration and
unbelief because of the tarrying of an anticipated answer? How can I help you to see the
complexities associated with bringing about kingdom answers to my children, whom I
propose to bless, but must with hold the completion until all is fulfilled to my

Times is seconds, minutes, hours, days and years. I am timeless. Your life on
earth can be seconds, minutes, hours, days or years. I know how many. I know what
each person will accomplish. My purpose may be accomplished in seconds, minutes,
hours, days or years. Can you understand that a man's accomplishment for me can not be
measured in time but in PURPOSE! My purpose - and often only I know what that is.
Sometimes others may realize my purpose in one's life short or long but many lives
seemingly unfilled and with no earthly purpose - actually serves me well.

If I set about to put you on a course - allow me to navigate less you shipwreck.
The world and your enemy Satan sets to scuttle your ship but I desire you have smooth
sailing and reach your destination. So set your course in me and I shall over come time,
space and adversities and you shall indeed fill your time here fulfilling my purpose, and
entering at my choice for each individual - eternal peace and security.


If I tried to tell you what I want of you, you would not understand, for you have
not understood to this day. My church, my beloved church, has gone the way of the
world. No more it it a place of healing but rather a place of wounding.

Can I expect that you should pause in your religious hustle and bustle to learn to
be sensitive and share not just your store house, but yourself; all that you are and have
with others.

Can I trust you to begin now to turn again to me. Have you not known that I
demand total love and commitment? Have my words and teachings fallen on deaf ears?.
Are you so blinded that truth no longer is a reality to you?

I can no longer strive with cruelity and those of mine that demean others. Do you
not see my beloved among the poor and destitute? Did I, your Lord, God and Master
come from wealth and position? Is it my humble beginning that you despise and so
reject me? It so, let it be as you choose. I am of royal birth as are those who choose and
love me.

Our kingdom is not of this earth but of another place in time that only a few that
choose me above all else shall enter. Your friend is not your position or your purse or
even people you know but the Lord of the Cross. The one whose blood covers sin. Put
away the childish things of this world, this fallen generation and clothe yourself in me
and who and what I am, all those who choose willfully to walk with me. Set your self
against the adversary and all his allurements, enticements and the degragation that besets
you, this day. I call my own to me in this day. I call my own to me in this moment in
history, for history closes its' door, day by day, as do I, your Lord and Savior; against
those who choose my enemy.

 Come beloved, speak my name Jesus, and taste the sweetness of my presence and
truly become mine by loving my castaways. I would not choose to chastise and fault my
beloved, but my life in you must be pure, for I am pure. To pretend to live my life and
reflect another, is hypocrisy and sin.

I call you, do you hear?
Do you choose to hear?
I call you now to make my church a place of healing.

To truly love, causes death. Death of self; but then my life rises in you, so I then
live my life, through you.

Heaven then is your home. To live your life and not mine through you, tells me,
that earth is more dear to you than I am. The time grows short until my return. Will I
find faith amongst you? Don't build me a church my children - BE MY CHURCH!
Minister to each other in love and then you are truly mine.

Saith the Spirit of the Living God.



Be thou not deceived by the enemy..for all that call you friend are not your
friends. The enemy comes to destroy and devour the children of God. Keep your eyes
and ears open to my word and truth. Seek discernment and ask and you shall receive, for
the enemy seeks to destroy.

He rages, for his days are few.

Many weep and wail that should be joyful, for the end comes and life begins. My
blessings are not for the few, but for the multitudes, but few shall receive, for faith is
weak. My people shall speak faith and works, but do not. Have I asked more of you than
I have done? No, 1 gave My all, give your all for me. Touch My people. Where are they
going for lack of teaching and love? Reach out, reach out, touch them, now. Do not
procrastinate, beloved..reach out and touch. The hour has come, light the wicks, be
prepared, for your redemption draweth nigh.
 I come.
 Prepare ye the way, for I fail not to fulfill the word of the Father.



My child, you have seen so many sunsets, so now shall you see the Son rise.
Rise up and move in your behalf. Your cries have been heard. I am not oblivious to your
weary heart; your wretched heart and body, worn out from sin and service. You have
been two people saint and sinner. Not to sin to hurt me and others in malice but
confused, frightened and un-trusting.

You need to learn to lean on me and rest your head on my chest as my other
beloved, John did. When he did so, he showed he loved me, trustfully and securely, as I
permitted him to totally love and rely on me. And who I did later entrust my own mother
to; the one who trusted me. For by his very actions of honoring me, I learned to trust

My child, do not wait to feel worthy of my deep love and attention - to you, but
TRUST ME NOW! You know which words were for you. I gave you many for you
JESUS, for just as assuredly as HE IS YOUR LORD AND SAVIOUR, HE IS ALSO

Do you hear and perceive this message? Do you understand divine appointment?
You heard what I wanted you to hear. You are moving in the right direction. Life will
never be the same for you again. You invited my Son to be your Lord and Savior, the
Holy Spirit to anoint, teach and chasten you and you invited me to be your all-in-all. I
cherish your friendship, your adoration, your love and yearn for your trust. Fill that
which is lacking and I shall fill your life with kingdom grace and security, now and later.

Yes, my child, I hear, I move in love and compassion; you do as well. I have
anointed you for service, you KNOW I have and you accept that in fear and trembling.
 This is good for your spirit and soul to fear and tremble before me, but my beloved, do it
also in confidence and security, for I long to bestow my gifts on willing hearts.

Your dreams and visions shall soon become reality as you continue to move in my
spirit and you leave your flesh and its' desires behind. Learn to serve me before all else
and I shall fill you and fill you and fill you. You shall NEVER NEVER run dry of my
Holy Presence again. Remember my ways are NOT your ways, so forget about trying to
work it out in your own mind. Keep close to me, serve me well, and 1 SHALL FIND

Child of mine, weep no more, dry your tears, move FORWARD in my grace and
my life shall live itself in you and at time in others because of your excellent obedience.


My beloved, I speak these words to you, that you may see yourselves as I see you.
I see you committing the age-old sin of refusing to be your brothers-keeper. Do you not
see the confusion this causes within the body and greater confusion it causes without?

Before I can bless and begin to do inner work in you, you first must open that
door upon which I knock and allow me entrance; that as we sup, and my word, your
spiritual food enters your hungry and oft times starved soul and spirit and allows me, by
my spirit to kill the flesh, so the spirit may rise and take pre-eminence in you, then you
begin to be of who I am. Sharing brother with brother and sister with sister, forestalls
decadence among yourselves.

Wash each other's feet and be servants to each other. Once you have humbled
yourself to a place of servitude, you will have found the secret of the kingdom, where I
once walked and found Heaven and reward by my victory.

No one knows the time but the Father, but I shall come for you on time, be
partakers of each other until then..

Love is such a small word to carry such a weight of responsibility, but remember-
I AM that love, equal and adequate to carry the load it implies.

Be refreshed at the well of living water each day-fortify yourselves with the bread
of life and embark on your love journey day by day, for I have already equipped an able

Set yourselves apart to bear arms for the King Of Kings, watch out for your
comrades in arms, for the enemy desires to kill and maim. Be your brothers keeper, as I
am, and search your hearts for spots and blemishes of weakness and as you ask I shall
 strengthen you to walk victorious; as long as you see me as your Commander In Chief
and employ arms by my rules and not set yourself up a a coup. Division never wins wars,
only causes further decadence and confusion.

Come let us reason together, for the time draws nigh for my return. Live each day
as though it were the one on which I shall arrive and you shall be strengthened by your
anticipation and joy. My joy shall be your strength as you keep each other covered by
love and serving, and the enemy will never overtake your camp and pilfer.

Hear me, for I AM the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. I am the same God that
keeps Israel under my wings. Come children under my wings also, for that is where you
will find shelter and strength. Come, my beloved, for I await you.

Thus says the Lord.



America, America, my beautiful America. My anger comes against thee. Because
I love you, I shall save the remnant, but there are so few who truly love me and purity.

America rny beautiful, come to me, for I long so to see you as you were as a pure baby, full of tender love for me.

Clothe yourself in righteousness and come be my bride. I long to take you in my chambers and love you as a virgin is loved on her wedding night when she stands before the bridegroom, pure, lovely and undefiled.

Repent and come clean of the filth and unholiness of the world and we shall live together in peace and harmony, as married couples should, who think only of each other and leave the world outside their dwelling.

How long must I the bridegroom wait for my bride- sweet America?

America, my beloved America, when did you begin to worship self, wife and
children, house, job and car, luxuries for the body, food and bar?

Why have you forsaken the things that blessings bring? Health, hope and my
presence and other Godly things. Why have you allowed sin to reign, when I should be
your King? Why have you allowed Satan to reign so your heart can not longer sing? My
judgment has fallen across your land and it breaks my heart to see my children in the
wilderness again, but this is the way it must be. Until the day when you decide to make
me King of all, then on that day, so shall my Spirit fall. Fall to bless and bring you back
into the shepherd's fold and we can fellowship once again as the America of old.


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